Maximize an S-Corp for Small Business

Should you be an S-Corp? Will you save in taxes? We specialize in helping small business owners, who make net profits higher than $80,000, convert to an S-Corp, stay compliant & maximize its benefit.

Book a Free S-Corp Comparison Meeting

Reduce Your Social Security & Medicare Taxes with an S-Corp

We'll assist you in effectively addressing the internal tensions within an S-Corporation, ensuring that you receive the necessary reasonable salary without exposing yourself to imprudent risks. Our services encompass the leadership and administrative support that business owners seek.

Setup an S-Corp

We specialize in assisting Sole Proprietorships with a seamless transition to an S-Corporation, guiding you through the correct filing of the 2553 forms and ensuring a mistake-free process.

Convert a Sole Prop to an S-Corp

Additionally, we'll provide you with a comprehensive comparison between LLC Sole Proprietor taxation and S-Corporation taxation. This detailed analysis will empower you with the knowledge needed to understand the differences between these two structures.

Pay a "Reasonable Salary"

The most important part of ensuring you're making wise decisions with your S-Corp election, is to manage your "reasonable salary". We work alongside businesses to ensure they're being as aggressive as possible, while being full of integrity.

S-Corp Payroll

We assist in establishing and managing the required payroll while ensuring the consistent payment of your "reasonable salary" throughout the year. This proactive approach helps you steer clear of unexpected tax surprises.

Avoid Surprises & Never Fall Behind

We provide year-round, pro-active tax planning for S-Corps and we help pay in taxes throughout the year to help you avoid falling behind.

Year-End 1120S Tax Preparation

We offer swift and top-notch preparation services for the S-Corporation tax return using Form 1120S. Our dedicated team ensures your tax return is not only accurately prepared but also submitted promptly, providing you with peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your business's success.
S-Corp Specialists

How Much Might You Save?

Typically, we see small business owners save between $3,500 and $8,500 a year in self employment taxes when they utilize an S-Corp.
There are certainly costs of compliance and administration, but overall, the S-Corp is one of the most powerful tax reduction tools for small businesses.

Save Social Security Tax

You will possibly reduce what is subject to the 12.4% social security tax.

Save Medicare Tax

S-Corps can often mitigate the income subject to the 2.9% medicare tax as well.

S-Corp Compare: 
$100,000 Net Profit


Net Profits

($50,000 S-Corp Salary)

Social Security Taxes


Medicare Taxes


Total SE Taxes Due


Annual SE Tax Savings
